Anglican Church of Canada
We rely on your generosity to support our ministry of proclaiming hope and practicing caring in our community. Thank you for your support!
Donations are requested for either of our two member churches. The “Parish of Wilmot” is not itself a registered charity, and so we cannot issue charitable receipts for donations made directly to the parish. Only Holy Trinity and All Saints churches have charitable numbers and are able to issue receipts for tax purposes, so we urge that your giving goes towards one or the other of the churches.
There are a number of ways to give from home:
If you are giving regularly to support your church, we would recommend signing up to our PAR program. It is convenient, regular, and the cheapest option in terms of banking fees. Please email the church office for an application form.
One-off donations can be made by e-transfer to a designated email address:
For Holy Trinity, Middleton: [email protected]
For All Saints, Kingston: [email protected]
Please do not attempt to send e-transfers to any other email addresses.
Your donation will be automatically deposited to the relevant account. A security question/answer is not required as the funds are automatically deposited.
When using this method
1) the deposit will identify the name of the owner of the bank account the donation is coming from and will be the donor used for tax receipt purposes;
2) include your full mailing address in the message portion the e-transfer if the church does not already have it on file from previous donations. This is required for preparing tax receipts;
3) provide any specific breakdown/distribution (Building fund, Memorial fund, PWRDF etc) in your sending message;
4) tax receipts are issued in late January for the previous calendar year.
Donations can be made to either church using their Canada Helps account:
Canada Helps will issue tax receipts directly; receipts will not be issued by the church for donations made in this way. Note that Canada Helps deducts a fee of between 3% and 4.9% of the donation.